For Ukraine 

by Lisa Rhodes

A sun, light like oil,
singing through trees—
expansive against space,
pushed beyond desire,
floating like air, flowing from heaven,
singing tomorrow I am innocent,
tomorrow I am free— marvelous 
as the sunflowers marching
along the railroad tracks,
welcoming me like a comet tail
jazzy with kinetic energy.
They’re goanna boogie inside me.
They’re goanna jump into my skin,
like a poem I love so much—
it’s frightening.

I am not what you think.
This is not what I wanted—
turn on the human voices,
turn on the human will—
turn off the hungry whore of blood,
turn off the indifferent eyes.

Save the girl punched in the heart—
save the sick cat hanged in the tree.
Blow the dawn of life tantalizing like spring,
strung out along the death-streets.
Carry sparks of life like bravura music,
and dance death away like a sonic boom!
Thanks. The colossal flames of time will penetrate the
skulls of madmen howling. 
And in this city of lavender & flamingos,
burying dead warriors & children,
dreams wait.
Dreams jammed with angels.